I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.
A mark of our Faith is the compulsion to help those in need. Our members enjoy working together to assist needy people in our community. Arl2473's largest annual charitable events are Knights of Virginia, Assistance for the Retarded (KOVAR) and Thanksgiving meals for the sick or in need . Perhaps our largest (and least heralded) charitable efforts are the hundreds of volunteer hours provided by our Red Coats. The Red Coat teams provide table-waiting and bar tending duties. These volunteers enjoy a special comaraderie and make much of what we do as a Council possible. For these and more Arl2473 needs the time, money and prayers of its members and community. Our charitable efforts are the most meaningful way in which we interact with the community. Members are encouraged to attend a regular meeting (first and third Thursday of each month) to find out how you can help.
A primary goal of the Knights of Columbus World-wide organization is helping the Catholic Church remain vigorous and undiminished. There are many examples, through hard work, fundraising and donations that the Knights of Columbus have provided major support to our Mother Church. One example is the creation of the multi-million "Knights of Columbus Vicarius Christi" fund - the earnings on which are conveyed annually to the Holy Father for his charities. Since its inception this fund has generated more than $27.8 million for the Pope's good works, and the corpus remains intact. To learn more, visit the Website of the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council.